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Farzand E Pakistan 12 Rar Ebook Full Version [pdf] Torrent


Farzand E Pakistan Book Pdf 12 By: Ashfaq Ahmed The author, in this book, has tried to put together a history of Pakistan from the days of the great Vedic civilisation up to the present time. The book is divided into nine chapters and every chapter deals with a different period of history. The first chapter deals with events from 4500 BC to 500 BC, while the ninth chapter starts from 1947 AD and covers events till 2011 AD. At each stage in our history could be seen a continuity or a parallelism with developments in other parts of the world. The main thrust of the book is to show that many a great personality of the world history, who played a vital role in shaping world history, was born in or had some connection with Pakistan. The author shows that while Alexander was conquering India and creating disorder and destruction, Chandragupta Maurya was consolidating the foundations of India's efforts to free ourselves from this foreign domination; when Britain annexed India; Pakistan was born. The author has traced his historical research to the time of Emperor Asoka (about 274-232 BC), and has followed its development with events in modern times. The beginning of civilization in India and Pakistan is taken as far back as 4500 BC (5000 years before Christ). The author says that Indus Valley Civilization was established in 2350 BC by Dravidians who were migrants from Sindh. A new wave of migration of Aryans took place in 1500 BC. The author has discussed the splendid civilization of Mohenjodaro and Harappa. It was destroyed by Aryans (Indo-Aryan). The author says that the Indian civilization is one of the oldest known civilizations of mankind. A new wave of migration of Aryans took place in 1500 BC which is also called Vedic period, sometimes called Golden Age or Iron Age too, because it laid down the basis for all subsequent civilizations in India and Pakistan. The author quotes from the epic Ramayana and other texts which indicate direct contact between India and Mesopotamia during this period. The author says that Indo-Aryan culture flourished during the period 1500 BC to 500 BC, a period of a thousand years. The establishment of a firmly established civilization was followed by the emergence of the first great empire in world history. This was one of those periods in world history which produced towering personalities who exercised a profound influence on their contemporaries as well as on succeeding generations. The author says that the first great empire in world history was established by Asoka who learnt from his predecessors and used their methods to consolidate the foundations of a great empire. In about the year 3 BC, he began to rule India through a highly centralized administration led by Brahmans. This period provided an opportunity for reformers like Mahavira and Buddha to achieve a high level of civilization. The author has discussed the conquests of Alexander the Great in 326 BC and thereby founded another great empire which lasted for one hundred years. The same general who conquered India also conquered Persia and Mesopotamia, thus creating a new empire which stretched from India down to Egypt and Syria, including modern Iran, Turkey etc. cfa1e77820

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